Saturday, December 11, 2010

Games you can play with a brick

I came across this while surfing the internet, and i happen to have some bricks and to be very bored so here we go!
1. BRICK TAG! Self explanatory get hit with the brick and your it!
2. BRICK ROULETE! While blindfolded spin in a circle with all your friends standing around you, brick in hand arm at full extent, build of speed... let go!
3. TRUTH OR BRICK! Tell the truth or get bricked...
4. JUMP OVER THE BRICK! Self explanatory...
5. DROP THE BRICK! Climb on something tall and drop the brick...
6. DUCK DUCK BRICK! Similar to duck duck goose but instead of shouting goose you shout brick, and hit them with said brick.
7. BRICK FREEZE TAG! Similar to normal brick tag however, when hit you must stay still, a difficult game to play, when you can't tell if your friends are still frozen or just unconscious...
8. PIN THE BRICK ON THE DONKEY! Requires a donkey and blindfold blindfold your friend and attempt to hit the donkey with the brick be careful of its strong kicks guys
9. HOT BRICK! Pour gasoline on a brick and throw at each other, for as long as as you like
10. DODGE BRICK! Like dodge ball but you use bricks

all rights reserved, please never play these games as I do not want to be sued.

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