Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Motorlla droid 2 explodes?

Bloody Droid1 Motorola: Droid 2 Explosion a Fake!!
Ew whats that? It's a cracked motorolla droid, with blood on it. Yes blood, reportedly a man in a coffe show was talking on his phone when he herd  a poping sound, then the side of his face became warm and wet. He pulled his hand away noticed the blood and things happened from their. Motorolla asked for the phone back, while its not an official release it has been said that the owner of said droid, dropped the phone. Then not noticing it was cracked simply cut his ear on the screen. This is shown by the fact no internal devices where blow outward out of the phone if it really had exploded. Did the phone really explode, or was it a clever ruse just to get a  new phone? Either way Motorola will send him one just to let the story die, after all who wants to think their phone will explode?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Technologies that need to be pimped out!

We all know a few thigns that need a rehall and got them by some magical technology wizard. The vacum cleaner for one, has now evolved into a a verye xpensive mini tronado in a machine, that cleans your house. pr the wind hand dryer, which has been turned into some freaky air circle, that sucks the water off your hand,  like a brick through a childs skull....

#1 the dishwasher: its been around what now, 100 years? but yet you sitll have to do half the before putting it in their, and in reality it does the easier half... an expensive waste of water electricity and space used by the lazy who like to do thigns half way...
#2 the microwave, lets face it the microwave may heat up your food, but it basically removes all taste and texture, its like eating steaming rubber...
#3Simulators, YAY I CAN WALK AROUND IN A REALLY BADLY SIMULATED VERSION OF MY HOUSE! i can do that with betteer graphics in RL thank you very much.. ( real life )
#4 a remote that works on everything when you ened it to, IS THAT THE TV REMOTE?-lights turn on- nope... IS THIS IT? -stero turns on- nope... IS THIS IT?!? -blender turns on- OH COME ON!
#5 a opne size fits all cellphone charger, Im tired of my phone breaking and i have to order a brand new 30 dollar charger with shipping and handling when i have 5 other phone chargers for other phones...
More to come soon...

How to tell if your dog has mental problems...

Now aside from the obvious observations, if your not positive these few test will give you a good idea of whether or not your dog may in fact be retarded...
Things you will need:
A cup
Lots of dog biscuits
Your voice
A Blanket
A stop watch
Now if your dog has undergone basic training and understands the commands sit stay and responds to its name, you don't need to take this test your dog is either ignoring you, lazy, or just not smart, but not retarded.( warning test results may vary and such may not always be accurate)
test 1: throw blanket over dog and time how long it takes him/her to escape... almost instantaneously, above average, or has a hatred of being smothered +5 points...  between 30 seconds-1 minute, acceptable +2 points, 3 minutes or more retarded +0 points
Test 2: call random names or objects to see if your dog responds. For instance yell “ELEPHANT, or ORANGE."  Then call your dog’s name. Responds to their name only and not objects good +5 points responds to everything okay +2 points, responds to nothing and looks at you with a blank face on an angle... retarded +0 points
test 3: hold a biscuit in front of your dogs face make sure they notice it, then put the biscuit under a cup, and time how long it takes your dog to knock the cup over and retrieve the biscuit... under 30 seconds good +5 points... 30 seconds- 2 minutes okay +3 points... Run around the house doing everything else they know how to do, hoping the magical cup gods will remove it and reward him with the treat +0 points
Simple yes? well add up your dogs point 15= genius dog, congratulations its smarter then you, and may ruin your life through strategic placement of landmines, and becoming a perfectly engineered furniture and floor destroying machine... 10-14 good, your dog is smart so don't worry they will make a good friend, and could probably win a medal or something. 5-9 average, okay so your dogs not a genius but at least they're not retarded and its the thought that counts.... 2-4 your dogs pretty stupid, and will more than likely never amount to be of any success but his life will be filled with laughter directed at him, for his many hilarious accidents. 0-1, your dog is a full blown mental case no way around it, he will spend the rest of his/her life praying to the cup gods for milk bones, and moping the floor with his butt and or tongue, but hey just because he's retarded doesn't mean he's not cuddly...


Games you can play with a brick

I came across this while surfing the internet, and i happen to have some bricks and to be very bored so here we go!
1. BRICK TAG! Self explanatory get hit with the brick and your it!
2. BRICK ROULETE! While blindfolded spin in a circle with all your friends standing around you, brick in hand arm at full extent, build of speed... let go!
3. TRUTH OR BRICK! Tell the truth or get bricked...
4. JUMP OVER THE BRICK! Self explanatory...
5. DROP THE BRICK! Climb on something tall and drop the brick...
6. DUCK DUCK BRICK! Similar to duck duck goose but instead of shouting goose you shout brick, and hit them with said brick.
7. BRICK FREEZE TAG! Similar to normal brick tag however, when hit you must stay still, a difficult game to play, when you can't tell if your friends are still frozen or just unconscious...
8. PIN THE BRICK ON THE DONKEY! Requires a donkey and blindfold blindfold your friend and attempt to hit the donkey with the brick be careful of its strong kicks guys
9. HOT BRICK! Pour gasoline on a brick and throw at each other, for as long as as you like
10. DODGE BRICK! Like dodge ball but you use bricks

all rights reserved, please never play these games as I do not want to be sued.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Answering a question

Someone asked me why i have bloo as my background. It's simple, he's awesome, my blogs amazing, aad he's given the thumbs up to show all that. It's really very simple, Also bloo is my favourite cartoon Charcter since, well he is my favorite! But that's why he's my background...